Application of feldespar and hornblende composition to investigate the nature and thermobarometry aftabrou pluton, northwest uroumieh-dokhtar magmatic belt, Iran

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Application of feldespar and hornblende composition to investigate the nature and thermobarometry aftabrou pluton, northwest uroumieh-dokhtar magmatic belt, Iran

Akram Sabzian, Fariborz Masoudi, Hoshang Asadi Harooni, Mohammad Hashem Emami, Nima Nezafaty
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 609-620, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The Aftabrou pluton, situated in the Northwest of Saveh, is a small part of the Uroumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc of Iran in the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt. The arc outcrops are mainly consisted of Tertiary volcanic sequences and associated plutonic rocks typical of calc-alkaline magmatism developed at active continental margins. The arc was developed during the closure of the Neotethyan ocean between Arabia and Eurasia. This pluton is consisted of plutonic (granodiorite) and sub- plutonic (diorite) rocks, intruded into the Eocene volcanic rocks. The main minerals are plagioclase, amphibole, alkali feldspar and magnetite. In this study, composition of minerals is used to describe the nature of the granitic magma and to estimate the pressure and temperature at which Aftabrou pluton is emplaced. The chemistry of amphibole in plutonic rocks and that of clinopyroxe inclusion in plagioclase of sub- plutonic rocks show that this pluton is derived from a calc-alkalin magma. This type of magma is typically produced in the subduction environments. It means that the pluton could have formed in an orogenic suit in the subduction zone. The results obtained from amphibole and clinopyroxen chemistry are well consistent with the previous suggestions on the Uroumieh-Dokhtar belt. The average of emplacement temperatures calculated by the hornblende-plagioclase thermometer for granodiorites and dioritesare 625.5°C and 597.9°C, respectively. Aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometry indicate that the emplacement pressures for sub- plutonic and plutonic rocks of Aftabrou pluton are 1.18–0.14 Kbar and 0.08- .05 Kbar, respectively.


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