Application of remote sensing and GIS to the mapping of water erosion in the oued seybouse watershed (North-East of Algeria)

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Application of remote sensing and GIS to the mapping of water erosion in the oued seybouse watershed (North-East of Algeria)

Boubaker Khallef, Nabil Mouchara, Khaled Brahamia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 3), 64-73, September 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In Algeria, the spatial extension of water erosion is a real threat for areas known to be immune, such as the case of the Oued Seybouse watershed, where they combine all the natural and anthropogenic conditions that predispose them to accelerated degradation. The present study is based on the use of remote sensing and GIS to map soil erosion by surface water in the Oued Seybouse watershed in northeastern Algeria, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The combinations of data from different sources and field observations have provided a contextualized mapping of all soil erosion factors by surface water. The integration of the RUSLE model in the GIS gave a first estimate of the risk of water erosion, ie 32.50% of the total area of the Oued Seybouse watershed is affected, where the soil losses are estimated in average at 13.63t/ha/year. This modest cartographic result is an improved base for the managers of this watershed, which has not yet been observed, analyzed and monitored for protecting and safeguarding one of the largest watersheds in Algeria.


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