Applications of DNA barcoding and future directions

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Applications of DNA barcoding and future directions

Maryam Pakiza, Syed Naeem Sajid, Asim Hussain, Salman Maqsood, Usman Imtiaz, Haris Ali, Saif Ur Rehman, Sayyad Hammad Mahboob, Sidra Ray, Arzoo Rubab, Sadia Zafar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 4), 80-85, October 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


DNA barcoding help to recognize the plant based on short, gene sequences in a rapid, accurate, and cost effective manner. Current focus is on the investigation of phytomedicinals and herbal product integrity and authenticity through DNA barcoding with the goal of protecting consumers from potential health risks associated with product substitution and contamination. Recent reports reveal that DNA barcoding can be used for the assignment of unknown specimens to a taxonomic group, authentic identification of phytomedicinals, and in plant biodiversity conservation. Research indicates that there is no single universal barcode candidate for identification of all plant groups. Hence, comparative analysis of plant barcode loci is essential for choosing a best candidate for authenticating particular medicinal plant genus/families. Currently, both chloroplast/nuclear regions are used as universal barcodes for the authentication of phytomedicinals. A recent advance in genomics has further enhanced the progress in DNA barcoding of plants by the introduction of high-throughput techniques like next generation sequencing, which has paved the way for complete plastome sequencing that is now termed as super-barcodes. Hence, current focus is on the investigation of phytomedicinals and herbal product integrity and authenticity through DNA barcoding with the goal of protecting consumers from potential health risks associated with product substitution and contamination. These approaches could improve the traditional ethno-botanical and scientific knowledge of phytomedicinals and their safe use.


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