Approach statistical the underground water pollution of larbi ben m’hidi Northeast Skikda, Algeria

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Approach statistical the underground water pollution of larbi ben m’hidi Northeast Skikda, Algeria

Salah Bouhayene, Abdallah Borhane Djebar, Doria Gueddah
Int. J. Biosci.12( 3), 170-179, March 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study is spread out between February 2015 and January 2016 with the purpose of a monthly sampling aimed at evaluating the hygienic quality of the well water used by the population of the Larbi Ben M’hidi region, as drinking water and domestic activities. The main physicochemical and bacteriological components of the water were measured and then a bivariate analysis consisting of calculating the linear correlation coefficient of Bravais-Pearson and a APC were performed from the average values ​​of each parameter. A total of 168 water samples taken at the level of 07 wells likely to create a health risk for users. These wells have been identified by data sheets indicating the nature of the surrounding pollution. The samples taken were analyzed and interpreted according to the standards in force. The completed APC has been able to show very disproportionate and well-differentiated groups of stations, some of which contain medium-grade or slightly polluted wells and others which contain polluted wells. Thus, two types of pollution exist: a microbial, serious and almost permanent, coming from the runoff water and the domestic and industrial waste water, and the other chemical from weak to important for all the wells having as origin the discharges of the agricultural and / or domestic activities. The adoption by local authorities and sanitary services of a treatment by periodic chlorination of the wells used is advised, and a development and permanent control of wells, water sources near potential pollution points are recommended.


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