Aquatic Macroinvertebrates composition, diversity and richness in Agusan river tributaries, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Aquatic Macroinvertebrates composition, diversity and richness in Agusan river tributaries, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, Philippines

Jerry T. Cuadrado, Laurence B. Calagui
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 25-34, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present work was carried out to assess the macroinvertebrates diversity, composition and richness in Wawa and Ojot River found in Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, Philippines.This fauna are bioindicator species in determining the water quality in freshwater bodies. Macroinvertebrates were assessed in upstream, midstream and downstream of the two rivers on February 20-21, 2016 using kick-net method. Identification of species was done using taxonomic keys. A total of 227 individuals of macroinvertebrates belonging to sixteen (16) families and seventeen (17) species were collected and identified in Ojot and Wawa River. Wawa River and Ojot River have a Shannon Diversity Index of “Very Low” and “Low” respectively. This could be attributed to some disturbances such as human activities which are observed in both areas. Macroinvertebrates species that belongs to Taxa 2 – organisms that can exist in a wide range of water quality conditions or moderate water quality, dominated both areas. WQI scores revealed that both rivers have a “rather clean-clean” water quality. Wawa River has FBI score of 4.82 which indicate“Some Organic Pollution” and Ojot River has 3.89 FBI score which indicates “Possible Slight Organic Pollution”. These results could be due to human activities in the upland such as agricultural and industrial works in which waste products of these activities will be carried to the river during runoff and alters the water quality. Physico-chemical parameters of water and soil and seasonal variations of macroinvertebrates diversity should also be studied to better assess the water quality of the two areas.


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