Are personal protective equipment of pesticides use a priority of farmers at the cost of health?

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Research Paper 01/03/2020
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Are personal protective equipment of pesticides use a priority of farmers at the cost of health?

Rehmat Ullah, Khalid Nawab, Kalim Ullah, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Yousaf Hayat, Inam Ullah, Rahmat Ullah, Asif Nawaz, Shahzad Malik
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 66-82, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Pesticides act like double edge sword i.e. on one side it helps to protect crops but on the other side it has great adverse effect if not handled properly. Personal protective equipment are the gears which can minimize the adverse health effect over the farmer’s health. Keeping in view the importance of farmer’s health at stake due to ill practices of pesticides use the present study was conducted with an attempt to identify whether personal protective equipment are been in use of the farming community, their knowledge about misuse of pesticides and self-reported acute poisoning cases. The instant study was conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan during 2018. It was found that majority of the respondents were not utilizing personal protective equipment whereas were also not aware fully from the pictograms made over pesticides containers for the safe handling of pesticides. Furthermore, it was also found that majority of the farmers had been suffered from various acute poisoning due to pesticides use i.e. head ach, itching, eye irritation, blisters, shortness of breath, burning sensation, nausea etc. It was also found that following labels/instructions of pesticides containers has significantly decreases the acute poisoning cases. It is suggested that the farmers should be properly trained in appropriate use of pesticides and understanding of labels for following proper recommendations.


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