Assessing and comparing carbon sequestration in a number of halophyte species

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Research Paper 01/12/2013
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Assessing and comparing carbon sequestration in a number of halophyte species

Haleh Baghdar Miandoab, Hossein Azarnivand, Ali Tavili, Emad (Ramezan) Zakeri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 12), 67-77, December 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Rangelands cover extended areas and therefore are of great importance for carbon sequestration. This was the principal concern of this study in TezKharab region in Iran to be studied. To settle the question upon the role of rangelands in carbon sequestration, dominant halophyte species of the region namely Atriplex veruciferum and Halocnemum strobilaceum were studied. Carbon content of saline and non-saline sites with the same climate and topographic characteristics were compared to identify the role of salinity in carbon sequestration. To this end, dominant vegetation type which is Kochia prosterate from non-saline site of the region was selected. Soil and vegetation sampling follows the systematic approach. Totally 30 soil samples (0-40 centimeters depth) and 90 samples from different plant tissues were taken to the laboratory. Result showed miningful differences among sequestrated carbon of plant tissues, total biomass of species, saline and non-saline sites and the control plot (saline and non-saline control plot) which is covered by no vegetation cover. Sequestrated carbon in stem tissues of three species was higher than the amount, sequestrated in leaves and root tissues. K. prostrate compared with At. Veruciferum with 201.05 kg per hectare and Ha.Strobilaceum with 192.82 kg per hectare, sequestrated more carbon exceeding 211.05 kg per hectare. The underlying soil of Ko. Prostrate sequestrated more carbon in excess of 96.75 tones per hectare.


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