Assessing Epigenetic Variation in Tissue Culture Based Plants of Sugarcane using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Approach

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Assessing Epigenetic Variation in Tissue Culture Based Plants of Sugarcane using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Approach

Siddra Ijaz, Rashda Naheed, Imran Ul Haq, Faiza Hassan, Maria Hasnain
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 65-71, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Tissue culture system is considered as a basis for genetic transformation studies in plants. Plant tissue culture regime could bring genetic and epigenetic variation in in vitro regenerated plants though. Cytosine methylation is an imperative factor that contributes in epigenetic variation. Therefore, in this study we investigated the epigenetic variation in in vitro regenerants of sugarcane genotypes, CPF-247 and CPF-248 by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. In this study, in vitro regenerated plants and field grown plants of both sugarcane genotypes were assessed and analyzed for the level of cytosine and methylcytosine. Thus calculated percent concentration of 5MeC for each sample were 0.0345% and 0.258% in field grown and in vitro regenerated plants of CPF-247 respectively as well as 0.0261%  and 4.39%  in the field grown and in vitro regenerated plants of CPF-248 respectively that showed an increase in methylcytosine concentration in in vitro regenerated plants than field grown plants. The results showed that level of methylcytosine was high in tissue culture based plants of both sugarcane genotypes. While in comparison between these genotypes revealed that degree of methylcytosine concentration is high in in vitro regenerated plants of CPF-248 than in vitro regenerated plants of CPF-247. These results indicated that dissected tissue culture with hormones may bring change in the level of DNA methylation and thereby it could be the reason of epigenetic variation, which may contribute in genotypic as well as phenotypic variations.


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