Assessing foliar application of chitosan andhumic acid on soil-solution partitioning of Pisum sativum

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Assessing foliar application of chitosan andhumic acid on soil-solution partitioning of Pisum sativum

Neelam Manzoor, Afia Zia, Muhammad NaumanAhmad, RahmatUllah, Sahib Alam, Shawana Jalil, Dania Zia
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 251-264, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment was carried out at Nursery of University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2016-201 for the assessment of foliar application of Chitosan and Humic acid on Soil solution partitioning , so as to see the indirect effects that they put forth on the chemical and biological properties of the soil.  Trial was planned in CRD design with three replications. Various combinations of Humic acid (0, 1, 2, 3g.L-1) and Chitosan (0 , 40, 60, 80 mg.L -1). Meteor verity was under consideration during trial. Combinations of Humic acid (0, 1, 2, 3g.L-1) and Chitosan (0, 40, 60, 80 mg. L -1)were under consideration . Three foliar application were done first at vegetative stage (2nd week) second at flowering stage (4th week) and third at pods formation (8th week). . Decrease in Soil pH (6 @ 3g.L-1 HA 40mg.L-1 CHT ), increase in SMN( 57 ml.L-1 @ 2g L-1 HA 40mg.L-1 HA ) and LOI(4.067%) as effected  in combination((@CHT 40mg.L-1 and Humic acid @1g.L-1)in post-harvest soil was observed. Soil Solution weekly results for pH showed pH of 5.4 (@3g.L-1 HA and 0mg.L-1 CHA in week 5) ,mg concentration 0f 2.57 ml.L-1 (@ 3g.L-1 HA in week 9), Cu concentration was 0.08 ml.L-1(@ 80mg.L-1CHT in week 12). NO3 result showed concentration of 0.52 ml L-1(@ 3g L-1 HA and 0.15 ml.L-1).C2H3 contributed towards decrease in soil pH in post-Harvest Soil significantly at P≤0.05 however soil solution pH was influenced again by C0H3 mostly after second foliar application ,soil-solution pH was influenced more at HA@3 gL-1,SMN as available NO3 in soil was significantly affected by C3H2 and NO3 in solution phase mineralized more with C0H2,overall  HA @2g.L-1released available NO3 in soil solution Partitioning. The effects which HA  and  CHT  put forth on plant growth  can be grouped into indirect effects on chemical as well as  biological properties of the soil,  thus HA and CHT  important effect on plant development may be credited to the promoting effects on uptake of some important nutritional status of soil in particularly N, P and K which are needed for  the  growth of plant.


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