Assessing soil disturbance from ground based logging operation in the northern forests of Iran

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Assessing soil disturbance from ground based logging operation in the northern forests of Iran

Farzam Tavankar
Int. J. Biosci.2( 11), 50-57, November 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


In this research the extent and severity of soil disturbance caused by Timber jack 450C wheeled skidder was assessed on a selectively logged parcel in Nav Asalem forest area in the North of Iran. The line intersect method was used to determine the extent of soil disturbance in the logged parcel and severity of soil disturbance were classified by visual assessment of soil disturbance method. The results indicated that 55.6% of surface soils were undisturbed, 16.3% slight disturbed, 14.8% moderate disturbed and 13.3% strongly disturbed by logging operation. About 399 m2 of surface soils were disturbed by chain saw and skidding operation for each harvested tree. Soil bulk densities in the top 10 cm on slight, moderate and strongly disturbed area on average 7.9, 10.7 and 20.3 percent are higher than densities in undisturbed soils. The soil bulk densities and rut depths on tire tracks were significantly increased with increasing of slope of skid trails, especially on higher than 25% slopes. Pre harvest planning and identifying winching area before logging operation can reduce damages to soil in these forests. In the northern forests of Iran, consistent attention to operation standards is required to minimize the soil disturbance during ground based logging operation.


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