Assessing the impact of type of ownership on residential mobility case study: narmak district of Tehran

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Assessing the impact of type of ownership on residential mobility case study: narmak district of Tehran

Mohammad Reza Daroudi, Marieh Barzegaran
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 707-717, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


One aspect of the dynamics of the city is relocation of households from one location to the other residential neighborhoods within the city. This relocating, which has a great impact on the structure of the city, has a variety of reasons. Assessment of the reasons of households’ residential relocation, considering that it is resultant from the concept of residential satisfaction or dissatisfaction, is very complex. However, this relocation depends on the type of possession can be done according to the criteria and factors taken from the people. Therefore, present study aimed to analyze and prioritize the importance of residential relocation indicators, with emphasis on the household possession on Narmak District of Tehran. To determine the sample size of the study, the Cochran relationship has been used and 175 questionnaires were distributed in the neighborhood. Furthermore, to set the priority of relocation indicators in two dimensions (owner/tenant), Entropy &SAW method is used. The results indicate the high affinity of owners with higher education and low affinity of unemployed owners for residential relocation (This may be due to fear of losing ownership of their housing units during the fluctuations in the housing market).Tenants also having a high income tend to have successive relocation. Conversely, Tenants who are unemployed and have low income prefer to stay in a residential environment as possible.


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