Assessment of Aflatoxin Level in Stored Wheat of Godowns of Hyderabad Division and Decontamination by UV Radiation

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Assessment of Aflatoxin Level in Stored Wheat of Godowns of Hyderabad Division and Decontamination by UV Radiation

Allah Bux Ghanghro, Mahvish Jabeen Channa, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh, Shafi Muhammad Nizamani, Irshad Hussain Ghanghro
Int. J. Biosci.8( 1), 8-16, January 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Cereals and their products play crucial role as supplier of energy globally and among cereals wheat is the most important cereals in this regard and is known to be the Pakistan’s 4th major crop. Wheat at all stages of growth and storage subject to numerous problem of deterioration due to the mycotoxin colonization which not only contaminate wheat but also hazardous to human and animal when consumed as food or feed therefore in present study efforts were made to reduce the aflatoxin contamination load from wheat, for this purpose UV radiation of time dependent dose (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 minutes) was used to decontaminate aflatoxin and results observe that 80-90% and 65-73% decrease in the aflatoxin in both wheat samples exposed that is wheat exposed as open grain and the grain packed in sacks. After UV treatment the residues examination showed that residues was become within the MRLs set by FDA except wheat samples packed in the sack, Bolhari and Sehwan that were at the borderline of risk with 20 ng/g concentration and Aarazi showed residue (21 ng/g) which was found above the limit after the 5 minutes exposure time. UV was found to be most effective method in reduction level of aflatoxin from wheat and protect grain from deterioration during storage, provide safe food or feed consumption and minimize the annual wheat loss.

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