Assessment of burnout in healthcare professionals amid COVID-19

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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Assessment of burnout in healthcare professionals amid COVID-19

Nisha Zahid, Marium Syed, Sharmake Hersi, Syed Hasan Danish, Farah Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.18( 1), 213-219, January 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


According to WHO latest by April 2nd 2020, it has now become a global threat and also it has become a serious issue in Pakistan with increasing number of active cases every day. Physicians, consultants, paramedics and other staff working in hospitals are at risk due to the emergence of COVID-19 which also is responsible for severe burnout which effects job performance, job satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, and vulnerability to illnesses. This research aims at finding the burnout in healthcare professionals of Karachi, Pakistan due to the current situation of COV-19 pandemic. We carried out a cross-sectional study in the tertiary care hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan from Feb’2020 – Apr’ 2020 in which the questionnaire based on Malsch burnout inventory were distributed amongst the healthcare professionals including doctors and paramedics, working in the departments of emergency, COVID special units and others. A scoring system of 1-4 was applied (strongly disagree-strongly agree). The results showed that highest burnout was faced by healthcare professionals in the category of depersonalization and personal accomplishment amid Covid-19 while the association between the burnout and the demographic factors mentioned was also found to be significant. The challenges faced by the healthcare professionals because this pandemic showed lack of presence of personal protective equipment and fear to spread infection to be as the biggest challenges. The study concluded that the current pandemic situation of COVID-19 has particularly associated with the burnout and stress amongst our health care professionals who are working on the frontline.


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