Assessment of cassava mosaic disease and field status of cassava begomoviruses in Kenya

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Research Paper 01/11/2021
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Assessment of cassava mosaic disease and field status of cassava begomoviruses in Kenya

Geofrey Sing’ombe Ombiro, Stephen Githiri, Douglas Miano, Elijah Ateka
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.19( 5), 16-23, November 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Cassava production in Kenya is affected by cassava mosaic disease caused by cassava mosaic begomoviruses (CMBs). This study was carried out in 2013 to determine the status of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in farmers’ fields in Kenya. The survey covered major cassava growing regions of Kenya of Coast, Eastern, Western and Nyanza. The survey covered a total of 88 fields in all the areas with the highest Cassava mosaic disease incidence 60.19% being reported in Western region and the least 34.66% recorded in Eastern Kenya. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 5 begomoviruses were reported being present in Kneya namely ACMV, EACMV, EACMV-KE, DNA satellites and EACMV-UgV. The highest detections of ACMV 41.2% were recorded in Nyanza with no detections in Eastern. The peak 26.5% EACMV-KE detections were noted in Nyanza and the least 4.3% in Coast. Nyzanza reported the greatest count 70.6% of EACMV and the lowest count 36.6% noted in Western. The highest EACMV-UgV count was in Nyanza 41.2%. Sequencing was used to determine the genetic diversity of the cassava begomoviruses detected by PCR. Wide variability was seen for Kenyan EACMV isolates as they formed 2 independent groups. However, with regards to EACMV-KE, there was little variability forming a single cluster with bootstrap value of 99%. Of concern in the study was the high incidence of cassava begomoviruses in Nyanza region of Kenya, hence the need for efforts to mitigate the problem.


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