Assessment of changes trend of land cover with use of remote sensing data in Hamoon wetland

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Research Paper 01/05/2014
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Assessment of changes trend of land cover with use of remote sensing data in Hamoon wetland

Seyyed Ali Mousavi, AliReza Shahriari, Akbar fakhire, Abolfazl Ranjbar Fordoii, Vahid Rahdari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 146-156, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetation cover and measurement of its changes as a principle is required in the areas of natural resources for the better and more effective planning of programmers. Remote Sensing (RS) as a technique is an appropriate instrument for monitoring land use and vegetation cover. For the purpose of evaluating changes of detection and vegetation cover in Hamoon wetland as one of important wetlands in Iran, was used of satellite images from remote landsats TM of 1987, 1995, 2005 and also remote satellite LissIII of 2010. Simultaneous measurements of vegetation cover was conducted with field monitoring in the study area for verification in July 2010. The maps of land use and land cover was prepared by combined classification. Also for decreasing effects of soil reflectance was used from vegetation indices that get low impacts from soil reflectance. In this research significant correlation was observed between plant parameter and plant indexes of SAVI. This index had the most description sufficiency of vegetation cover percentage. By the mentioned index, the map of vegetation cover and land use percentage was supplied in the 5 classes also with use of GIS and RS techniques. Class 1, Vegetation cover less than 20%, class2 is 20-60%, class3 is >60%, also supplied watery layers and Saline soil layers. In order to detect changes, then the maps were combined and revealed that the amount of vegetation cover on the class 1 decreased from 1987-1995 and incresed from 1995 – 2005 and 2005- 2010. vegetation cover of Class 2 increased between 1987 -1995. It decreased from 1995- 2005 and 2005 – 2010. The vegetation cover of class 3 increased between 1987- 1995 and decreased in 2005 and increased in 2010 again. This range had fuluctuations. The reason of fluctuations in Hamoon wetland vegetation cover was changes in rainfall and water input into the Hirmand River.


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