Assessment of ecotourism potential of Dooru tehsil and its environs, Anantnag, J & K

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Research Paper 01/05/2014
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Assessment of ecotourism potential of Dooru tehsil and its environs, Anantnag, J & K

Naik Yaseera and Sanjay Sharma
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 329-334, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries as well as major source of foreign exchange. Tourism based on the natural environment i.e., eco-tourism is a vital growing segment of the tourism industry. Eco-tourism has attracted increased attention in the recent years as a means of economic development and environmental conservation. Kashmir, one of the beautiful places on earth is one of the regions of India which offers variety of experiences to the tourists. Thus there is the dire need to tap the eco-tourism potential of the area. The present study was carried out in Dooru Tehsil of Anantnag district as the area is famous for its natural beauty, temples, shrines and other places of heritage which serve as a source of attraction for tourists. After categorization and weighing of potentially relevant physical, biological and socio-cultural resources following the Ecotourism Opportunity Spectrum (ECOS) method, about ten potential sites were identified in the area among which many sites are having good eco-tourism potential. Eco-tourism promotion in these areas will serve as best income source for the locals in a eco-friendly manner. Such eco-tourism projects will help in direct and indirect improvement of income levels, living standards of the locals, reduction of pressures on the natural resources and protection of the ecological balance in the area.

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