Assessment of erosion hazard levels on various land cover types in Panjaratan sub watershed

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Research Paper 09/09/2022
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Assessment of erosion hazard levels on various land cover types in Panjaratan sub watershed

Syarifuddin Kadir, Wahyuni Ilham, Ichsan Ridwan, Ahmad Kurnanin, Badaruddin, Wisda Hartati, Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, Nurlina
Int. J. Biosci.21( 3), 85-94, September 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Direct land use causes land-use changes. Land deterioration from land use changes without evident damage prevention generates erosion, sedimentation, and low rainwater infiltration. Tanah Laut Regency has a lot of improper land conversion. This study calculated erosion based on land cover in the Panjaratan sub-watershed and analyzed the Level of Erosion Hazard (LEH). The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and purposive sampling are utilized. The results showed that the Panjaratan Sub-Watershed had 60.97 tons ha-1yr-1 of probable erosion, with an average of 6.77 tons ha-1yr-1. The highest erosion value was in Land Unit 3 in wood tuber farming with 14.47 tons ha ha-1yr-1 and erosion hazard class I. The lowest value was in Land Unit 4 in Jackfruit Plantations with 1.99 tons ha-1yr-1 and erosion hazard class I. LEH class 0- VM (very mild) is found in LU 1 Corn plantation, LU 2 reeds, LU 4 Jackfruit Plantation, LU 5 Shrubs, LU 6 Shrubs, dryland agriculture at LU 3, and Oil palm plantations at LU 7 and 8. On bare land, LEH class 1-M (mild) is LU 9.


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