Assessment of gastrointestinal parasites in pit latrine samples from majjini mohallah valley gilgit, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Assessment of gastrointestinal parasites in pit latrine samples from majjini mohallah valley gilgit, Pakistan

Syed Arif Hussain, Khalil Ahmad, Shaukat Ali, Arif un Nisa Naqvi, Qamar Abbas, Maqsood Hussain, Syed Najam-ul-Hassan, Salar Ali, Muhammad Akbar, Sujjad Hyder, Muzamil Hassan Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 311-316, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Intestinal parasitic infections represent a public health problem in World specifically in developing countries. Where numerous environmental and socioeconomic factors have been identified to be main cause for the continued persistence.The present study was carried to assess the intestinal parasitic load (Ascaris lumbricoid, Tricuristricuria,Giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium)in pit latrine samplesfromMajjiniMohallah. The sample collection was carried out monthly intervals (Oct-Feb). During this study it is revealed that the monthly-wise load of parasites ranged as; OctoberAscaris lumbricoid(16.67-33.34), Tricuristricuria(2.66-4.00), Giardia lamblia(3.33-16.66) andCryptosporidium(6.66-20.66):November(16.667-40.000), (8.6667-16.6667), (0-10.000) and (9.3333-22.333); December (16.00-26.33), (0-4.66), (6.66-16.66)and (6.66-16.66); January (16.66-50.00), (5.00-6.66), (1.66-8.33) and (6.66-10.00) & February (25.00-56.66), (6.66-23.33),(3.33-16.66) and (6.66-20.00) respectively. This study showed Ascaris lumbricoidhighest population load among the targeted parasites.


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