Assessment of genetic diversity among thai banana cultivars (Musaspp.) based on RAPD and SRAP markers

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Assessment of genetic diversity among thai banana cultivars (Musaspp.) based on RAPD and SRAP markers

R.O.B. Zozimo, K. Ratanasut, T. Boonsrangsom, K. Sujipuli
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 172-180, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity and relationship of 19Thai Musa accessions of four (ABB, AAA, AA, and BB) genomes based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) markers. The results revealed that thirteen RAPD and eight SRAP markers generated a total of 129 alleles (calculated from 1005 amplified fragments), with sizes ranging from 100 to 2100 bp long. Moreover, both markers provided high polymorphism with average PIC value of 0.75, which indicated a high level of genetic diversity among studied Musa accessions. The UPGMA approach based grouping showed two distinct clusters, which were cluster-I comprised of ABB, AA, and BB genomes and cluster-II consisted of only the AAA genome. Additionally, its analysis demonstrated high genetic relationship within the ABB genome, compared to other (AAA, AA, and BB) genomes. This study also confirmed that both RAPD and SRAP markers were proficient tools for rapidly accessing the genetic diversity within all the banana genomic groups.


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