Assessment of genotypic variation and self-incompatibility in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) genotypes

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Assessment of genotypic variation and self-incompatibility in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) genotypes

Muhammad Najeebullah, Saba Aleem, Etlas Amin, Rasheda Aslam, Mehvish Tahir, Rabia Kanwal, Nusrat Parveen
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 173-182, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Cauliflower is an important cool season vegetable. Knowledge of genetic variation and self incompatibility of cauliflower genotypes may be important as it provides a base for breeding strategies. In this study, genetic variation and strength of self-incompatibility were assessed in different exotic and indigenous genotypes. Mean comparison of genotypes revealed significant variability in all the genotypes regarding quantitative traits i.e. curd weight, plant weight, biomass and curd yield. Extensive variability was also observed for qualitative traits with Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H’ = 0.60- 1.08) among the studied genotype. Coverage of curd by leaves, leaf attitude and curd shape in longitudinal section showed the highest degree of genetic variation. Genotypes also showed variation regarding vegetation period, in this respect HCF-12 was characterized as early maturing while HCF-23 as a late maturing genotype. Regarding self-incompatibility all the genotypes showed significant difference when assessed by artificial selfing method with coefficients of variation (CV= 40%) while less variations were observed through natural selfing method (CV= 2%). On the basis of artificial sellfing HCF-22 and HCF-23 (SI >95%) genotypes were categorized into strongly self-incompatible and HCF-12, HCF-13 into self-compatible (50%≤SI≥5%). Snow Wizard, Snow Mountain and FDIII were classified into partial self-incompatible (95%≤SI≥50%). These findings of genotypic variation in phenotypic traits and self-incompatibility expressed the usefulness of these genotypes as parents in the cauliflower breeding program.


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