Assessment of heavy metal pollution index for groundwater around Jharia coalfield region, India

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Assessment of heavy metal pollution index for groundwater around Jharia coalfield region, India

Binay Prakash Panigrahy, Prasoon Kumar Singh, Ashwani Kumar Tiwari, Bijendra Kumar, Anjani kumar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 33-39, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Assessment of the seasonal variations of the groundwater with respect to heavy metals contamination. For this purpose, 29 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, iron, manganese, lead and zinc of Jharia coalfield region. In majority of the samples, the analyzed heavy metals are well within the desirable limits and water is potable for drinking purposes. However, concentration of the Fe and Mn exceeding the desirable limits in many groundwater samples in both the seasons. The HPI of groundwater was found 9.94 in pre-monsoon season and 5.24 in post-monsoon season. The HPI values of the samples within study area are found below the critical pollution index (100) in both the seasons, which shows that the groundwater was not polluted with respect of heavy metals.


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