Assessment of morphological and biochemical diversity of Berberis lycium in three districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Assessment of morphological and biochemical diversity of Berberis lycium in three districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Rizwan Azim, Muhammad Ilyas, Shahid Iqbal Awan, Huma Tariq, Nadeem Iqbal
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 37-47, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This research study was carried out during 2012-2014 in the Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics for the estimation of morphological and biochemical diversity of Berberis lycium in three districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The study was important for the detection of morphological and biochemical diversity of berberis in selected areas. Nine morphological and two biochemical characters were used to elucidate morphological and biochemical diversity. Morphological studies showed that ecotypes Hurnamaira and Tolipeer from district Poonch are more diverse and showed most of the variation. Correlation studies, factor loadings and cluster analysis revealed that morphological traits plant height, fruit diameter, 100-fruit weight and days to fruit maturity are intended for most of the variation. Biochemical analysis showed that ecotypes Pallandri and Morifurman Shah were more diverse amongst the others on the basis of antioxidant activity and total phenolic contents respectively. On the basis of present study it was concluded that ecotypes Hurnamaira, Tolipeer, Pullandri, and Morifurman Shah are more diverse and resposible for most of the variation this may be due to environmental factors.


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