Assessment of new generation of drought-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for agronomic potential and adaptation in the derived savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Assessment of new generation of drought-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for agronomic potential and adaptation in the derived savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria

M.A. Adebayo, A.O. Kolawole, T.A. Adebayo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 2), 45-54, August 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Development of high-yielding maize varieties that exhibit superior agronomic performance under the prevailing biotic and abiotic stress factors in the derived savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria is pivotal for confronting the menace of food shortage in the zone. Ninety-six single-cross maize hybrids and four checks were evaluated in a 10×10 triple lattice in three replications under the natural growing conditions of Ogbomoso in the rainy seasons of 2013 and 2014. Hybrids exhibited significant variation (p < 0.0001) for grain yield and other measured traits except for streak and Curvularia leaf spot. Grain yield for hybrids averaged over the two years ranged between 3,614 and 9,951 kg ha-1. Each of the topmost four hybrids, namely, ADL32xEXL06, EXL01xADL36, ADL32xEXL02, and ADL32xEXL03, produced > 9,000 kg ha-1 which is significantly higher than the yield of the best commercial check (Oba Super 1). Grain yield was significantly and negatively correlated with northern corn leaf blight caused by Exserohilum turcicum (r = -0.32***) and common rust caused by Puccinia sorghi (r = – 0.31***) though the associations were weak. Selected ten hybrids exhibited superior yield and agronomic performance, and wide adaptation to the derived savanna agro-ecological conditions.


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