Assessment of nutritional status and dietary patterns of orphans residing in different orphanages of Lahore, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Assessment of nutritional status and dietary patterns of orphans residing in different orphanages of Lahore, Pakistan

Huseen Bukht, Haroon Jamshaid Qazi, Zeenat Islam, Sana Farooq, BahishtRizwan, Shahid Bashir, Muhammad Zia Shahid, Muzzamal Hussain, Tabussam Tufail
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 19-33, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status, intake of energy and macronutrients of male and female orphans from orphanages in Lahore. Study was performed in 6 orphanages located in Lahore (Pakistan). The study involved 318 participants, 104 girls and 214 boys, aged from 5-14years. Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometric measurement including height, weight, BMI. BMI of respondents was compared to WHO Z-score tables and mean caloric and macronutrients intake was recorded thrice at alternative by using 24hour dietary recall questionnaire. The findings of current study shows that orphan males and females aged 14 years are at high risk of mal-nutrition. Their mean caloric intake is only 71% and 68% respectively of their RDAs. Mean BMI of 318 participants aged 5 to 14 years was 16.4±2. From whole population 279 participants (88%) had Z -score between -2 to 2 SD that suggest normal weight-for-height Z-score. Only17 participants (5%) had Z-score less than -2 SD that suggest moderate mal-nutritional status of participants and 20 participants (6%) had Z-score less than -3 SD that suggest severe mal-nutritional status of orphans and only 2 participants (1%) had Z-score more than 3 SD that suggest severely obese nutritional status of orphans. Overall nutritional status of male and female orphans and the dietary assessment of menus indicated that there is need of intervention in selected orphanages.


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