Assessment of plant activators against Fusarium wilt of Chilli under field conditions

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Assessment of plant activators against Fusarium wilt of Chilli under field conditions

Fatima Nasir, Muhammad Atiq, Shahbaz Talib Sahi, Muhammad Rizwan Bashir, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Irfan Ahmed, Muhammad Sajid, Abdul Jabbar
Int. J. Biosci.10( 5), 66-74, May 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The current research was conducted to find out the most appropriate concentrations of plant activators for appropiate management of Fusarium wilt disease under field conditions. Chilli is an important vegetable crop of solanaceae family after potato and tomato. Fusarium wilt disease of chilli is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici which is a potential threat to the production of chilli in Pakistan. Four plants activators i.e. salicylic acid, KH2PO4, benzoic acid and ascorbic acid were evaluated @ 0.5, 0.75 and 1% concentration for the management of Fusarium wilt disease under RCBD design in the research area of department of plant pathology. Out of four plant activators, minimum disease incidence was expressed by salicylic acid (26.681%) followed by KH2PO4 (30.719%), Ascorbic acid (33.381%) and Benzoic acid (38.737%) when the results were compared to the control. Salicylic acid at 1% concentration gave statistically significant results. After 3rd application of soil drenching (21 days interval), salicylic acid showed best results with 23.60% disease incidence. At 1% concentration of 3rd application of soil drenching salicylic acid exhibited the best result 13.76% followed by KH2PO4 (18.26%), ascorbic acid (20.40%), benzoic acid (28.70%) and control expressed the maximum disease incidence which is 80.43%. It is concluded that salicylic acid plays a significant role in the management of Fusarium wilt disease.


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