Assessment of population genetics of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) based on genetic structure and diversity analyses

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Assessment of population genetics of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) based on genetic structure and diversity analyses

Siddra Ijaz, Hafiza Arooj Razzaq, Maria Babar, Imran Ul Haq
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 209-222, September 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Population genetic study is an important strategy to shape up a scattered population, for its characterization and improvement. Marker assisted approaches have been allied to computation biology for unraveling and estimating precise genetic pattern of a population. Therefore, this research study was designed by keeping in view the lack of genetic information of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) regarding genetic pattern and diversity of population. ISSR (21) markers were used to investigate 60 genotypes collected across the Punjab (Pakistan) with the aid of different bioinformatics analyses. Genetic diversity analysis showed, a total of 373 loci were amplified with percent polymorphic loci, 99.46. Maximum similarity (96%) was found between genotypes MBP2 & MBP3. However, genotype OP4 was more distantly related to genotype LP1 (98% dissimilar). Principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed first II coords accounted for 30.06% total genetic variation in 2-Dplot.Population genetic pattern showed three subpopulations or genepools with diverse genetic pattern, which were arrayed as distinct and even sharing maximum genetics. These three subpopulations collectively, were yielded genetic diversity tree with hierarchical clustering exhibiting four distinct clusters that sat in population in a range or degree from close to diverse. These results were proved to be helpful for tagging and organizing scattered shisham population and would be an step for finding dieback disease resistant shisham genotypes.


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