Assessment of season-long specialists’ training on climate smart agriculture in selected municipalities of Isabela, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/06/2020
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Assessment of season-long specialists’ training on climate smart agriculture in selected municipalities of Isabela, Philippines

Myraly L Marcos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 6), 12-22, June 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to determine the demographic profile of the farmers-adopters and non- adopters of the Season-long Specialists’ Training on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), evaluate the farm productivity of the adopters and non- adopters, identify the effects of the program to the farming operations and socio-economic conditions of adopters, and to determine the problems and constraints confronting the farmers in dealing with the season-long training. The study was confined at different barangays of San Mateo and Cabatuan, Isabela, Philippines observations and the used of semi-structured questionnaires for the personal interviews with the respondents were applied. Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Front41 and Minitab statistical packages were used for encoding and analysis of data. Descriptive analyses were frequency counts, percentages and means. Inferential statistics were employed like stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), chi-square and Z – test. There were 150 farmers’ respondents in which 113 were participants of the season-long training and 37 were non- participants from that 101 were adopters and 49 were non-adopters. The result of the study revealed that yield of rice, gross income of rice, total farm labor cost, seeds quantity of rice were the variables generally affecting the household income of the respondents. During the year 2014, there was a high significant difference at 5% and 1% degree of level on the income of adopters and non-adopters which the mean difference was ₱12, 375.38. At the same time, there was a high significant difference at 5% and 1% degree of level on the yield in cavans of adopters and non-adopters which the mean yield was 102.72 cavans.


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