Assessment of solid waste management awareness and practices among junior high school students in Northwestern Mindanao state college of science and technology (NMSCST)

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Research Paper 17/07/2023
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Assessment of solid waste management awareness and practices among junior high school students in Northwestern Mindanao state college of science and technology (NMSCST)

Rainniel B. Japus, Vincent Isidore R. Lagang, Rea Mae T. Tormis, Arjhune A. Badonio, Eduardo D. Magdayo Jr.
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 312-325, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to investigate the level of awareness and practices on solid waste management among junior high school students in Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology (NMSCST). The descriptive-correlational research design was employed to examine the association between students’ profile (age, sex, and year-level) and their level of awareness and practices. The study also sought to determine the relationship between awareness and practices on solid waste management. A total of 120 junior high school students were randomly selected as respondents. Data were collected through interview using a questionnaire with sections on profiling, awareness, and practices. The data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that students primarily obtained information on solid waste management from the school. The students showed a fair level of awareness regarding solid waste management but had limited knowledge of specific laws governing waste management. The students demonstrated positive attitudes towards waste segregation reduce, reuse, with a tendency to engage in these practices often. However, their participation in creative activities involving recycling waste materials, and proper waste disposal were occasional. The inferential statistics revealed significant associations between students’ profile (sex, age, and year level) and their level of awareness, as well as between students’ profile (age and year level) and their practices. Notably, students’ level of awareness was significantly associated with their practices on solid waste management, particularly in the areas of segregation, reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal.


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