Assessment of somaclonal variation in Plantago major using molecular markers

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Assessment of somaclonal variation in Plantago major using molecular markers

Fatemeh Esmaeili, Lia Shooshtari , Mansour Ghorbanpour, Alireza Etminan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 402-408, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Plantago major is a short stemmed annual herb belongs to Plantaginaceae family which is important because of its wide use in pharmaceutical, medical, healthcare and industrial purposes. The present study was conducted to evaluate the the somaclonal variations within Plantago major callus culture using inter simple sequence repeats markers. Callus induction was optimized using leaf and root as explants and MS medium containing various concentrations of 2,4-D and Kin. Moreover the effect of number of subcultures was considered in assessing genetic variability. Eighteen callus samples derived from different explants, media and subcultures were selected and their genomic DNA were extracted using CTAB method with some modifications. Six ISSR primers were used to estimate genetic diversity among 18 callus samples. The comparison of Banding patterns derived from 6 ISSR primers showed that the calli exhibited conspicuous somaclonal variation that could be eventually exploited for in vitro selection systems.

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