Assessment of the bio-film inhibition, thrombolytic and cytotoxicity potential of the essential oil from Zanthuxylum alatum and Mentha longifolia

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Assessment of the bio-film inhibition, thrombolytic and cytotoxicity potential of the essential oil from Zanthuxylum alatum and Mentha longifolia

Tahir Zaman, Muhammad Ali Subhani, Hameed Ur Rehman, Nisar Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 283-292, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Zanthoxylum alatum is a popular folk remedy against toothache, colic, and rheumatism whereas Mentha longifolia is practiced as an anthelmintic and bactericidal at Rawalakot, Kashmir. Proceeding with the traditional knowledge, the essential oils from Z. alatum (leaves and seed) and M. longifolia (leaves and roots), were subjected to biofilm inhibition, thrombolytic and cytotoxicity potential. The Z. alatum leaves oil (XALO) showed significant potential of E. coli film inhibition (69.91±0.5 (%) (Rifampicin: 95.50±0.13); and M. longifolia roots oil (MLRO) showed good potential of clot lysis: 32.38±0.66 (streptokinase 89.48±0.55 and distilled water 2.92±0.18 %). Compared to the reference standard: Trition-X 100 (97.21±1.0 %), all the test samples exhibited mild to minimal toxicity (XALO, MLRO, XASO and MLLO: 2.71±0.37, 6.37±1.2 %, 3.32±1.0, 4.74±0.37 % respectively). The selected samples with antibacterial and thrombolytic potential without any potential toxicity will determine the precise quality and safety of the plant to be used by clinicians.


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