Assessment of the diuretic activity of Hydrocotyle vulgaris methanolic extract in Albino Mice

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Research Paper 15/07/2022
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Assessment of the diuretic activity of Hydrocotyle vulgaris methanolic extract in Albino Mice

MA. Chrischelle F. Bullecer
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 1), 10-15, July 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study assessed the diuretic potential of methanolic extract of Hydrocotyle vulgaris in albino mice after oral administration. Methanolic extract of H. vulgaris (40 and 20mg/kg) and the reference drug, Furosemide (20mg/kg) were administered intraperitoneally using the modified Lipschitz method. All animals were pretreated with saline before commencing the experiment. Their urine output and electrolyte changes were quantitated at several intervals of time after the dose of 5 hours and after 24 hours. The urine output increased significantly in Furosemide and in both 40 and 20mg/kg extracts (p<0.05). Methanolic extract of H. vulgaris increased the urine volume and electrolyte balance in a dose-dependent manner and qualitatively similar to that of Furosemide. These findings collectively indicate that the extract exhibited significant diuretic activity, providing evidence, at least in part, for its traditional use as a diuretic.

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