Autecology of Nepeta asterotricha medicinal plant in center of Iran (Case study: Yazd Province)

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Autecology of Nepeta asterotricha medicinal plant in center of Iran (Case study: Yazd Province)

Gholam Reza Bishe, Mohammad Hossein Hakimi Meibodi, SedighehZarekia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 357-366, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to determine autecological background of Nepeta asterotricha that is a rare endemic medicinal plant distributed in Iran. Site characteristics such as topography, climate, soil, and accompanied plant species were determined. Sampling was done in two different areas and the species phenology, root system, and their presence conditions were examined in the rangeland ecosystem. The results indicated that this species grows in all slopes up to 50% with altitudes of 2500 to 2800 m. The average of annual rainfall changes from 230 to 325 mm and the mean annual temperature is12°C. It was observed that this plant generally prefers Sandy loam and Loamy sand texture, neutral pH and non-saline soils. The content of organic matter is poor in its habitats. Comparing soils in the regions with Nepeta asterotricha presence and without it showed that its presence didn’t have any significant effects on soil chemical elements. Individual plants height varies from 43 to 63 cm with canopy diameter of 48 to 75 cm. The amount of essential oil changes from1.21 to 1.52. There is no relationship between the essential oil percentage and slope and altitude. Nepeta asterotricha growth begins in late March and continues until late May. Flowering begins in early June but it will be completed gradually during July. Seed production occurs in late June and mid-July is the seed maturity time. The main roots penetrated more than 1.2 m into the soil.

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