Avian species assemblage across a rural urban gradient in and around Shivamogga, Karnataka

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Avian species assemblage across a rural urban gradient in and around Shivamogga, Karnataka

S. Saadath Ali, KL. Naik
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 6), 157-165, December 2022.
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Human-induced activities play a prime role in determining the avian species diversity. Urbanization directly affects the distribution of the avian species because it results in habitat fragmentation which results in the loss of avian dependent habitats. Diversity of birds and their status were examined in the different sites along the rural urban gradient. A total of 108 avian species belonging to 16 orders and 47 families were recorded in 5 study sites. Significant variation in bird species richness was observed across the rural urban gradient sites (F= 5.59, P= 0.00149, df= 5). Feeding guilds were observed in different sites. Box-plot showed the dominance of carnivorous guilds across the five study sites. Urban 1 site was dominated with omnivorous guilds and rests of the sites were dominated with Carnivorous feeding guilds. Synanthropic species was found to be declining in the population at highly urbanized area. Specialist species were completely absent in the urbanised sites and are only found to be restricted to the rural sites.


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