Awareness of Children on Dengue Fever in the Core Shelters of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines

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Awareness of Children on Dengue Fever in the Core Shelters of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines

Liliane Kyle F. Baliuag, Cristelle P. Gadoc, Red Cholo E. Gudtan, Jinky Marie T. Chua
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 298-306, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Dengue is the most rapidly spreading vector-borne disease, caused by a virus that is transferred by mosquito bites in all tropical and sub-tropical climates. The Philippine Department of Health records hundreds of thousands of dengue cases each year and has proclaimed dengue outbreaks several times, with children aged 6-11 being the most vulnerable. The goal of this study was to evaluate the awareness of dengue fever among children in Tuguegarao City’s three core shelters, which are located in Barangay Annafunan East, Cataggaman Pardo, and Namabbalan. Data from 103 children from the core shelters were collected using a descriptive study methodology and interview-guided questionnaires. The following categories are included in the questionnaire: awareness of dengue signs and symptoms, transmission, and prevention and control. Statistical analysis was performed on the data utilizing frequency and percentage distributions, along with Cramer’s V. The participants were not aware of dengue fever in all categories, according to the results. It also revealed that there is an association between profile variables and dengue awareness. As a result of these findings, the study recommends initiating programs for mothers in educating them to help their children prevent dengue fever, drainage mapping can be used to reduce mosquito breeding sites and also to the children through seminars and the distribution of IECs to increase their understanding of dengue signs and symptoms, modes of transmission, and prevention, also This would provide children in the core shelter areas with information on how to protect themselves against dengue, lowering the prevalence of dengue among children.


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