Bamboos (Bambusiadeae): plant resources with ecological, socio-economic and cultural virtues: A review

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Review Paper 03/10/2022
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Bamboos (Bambusiadeae): plant resources with ecological, socio-economic and cultural virtues: A review

N. Kambale Ndavaro, ADMT. Hegbe, JD. Minengu Mayulu, W. Muhindo Sahani, SSH. Biaou, AK. Natta
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 4), 1-14, October 2022.
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Bamboos (Bambusiadeae) are plant resources with several virtues and uses. However, the fragmentary, partial and dispersed aspect of the information relating to the benefits of bamboo does not make it possible to easily understand the potential of the latter, in order to promote their sustainability. This article reviews knowledge on the ecological, socio-economic and cultural importance of bamboos throughout the world in the light of the various studies that have been carried out on these subjects. Literature data show that bamboos play an invaluable role in environmental protection. They sequester large quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide, stabilize slopes against edaphic erosion and intervene in ecological sanitation. A privileged habitat for several animal and plant species, bamboos play a major ecological role in the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, bamboos represent an important source of income for many households. There are, in fact, several products made from bamboo, from textiles to paper and cooking. Bamboos are also used in housing construction, handicrafts and traditional medicine. Finally, in some societies, bamboos are among the plants that have become true cultural markers or emblems of human history. Considering the ecosystem goods and services of bamboos, it is necessary to promote their conservation on the basis of conclusive technical data. Thus, future studies should be conducted to identify current threats to bamboo worldwide.


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