Benthic macroinvertebrates ecology: distribution and niche shift in Sahelian reservoir in Burkina Faso

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Benthic macroinvertebrates ecology: distribution and niche shift in Sahelian reservoir in Burkina Faso

Victor Bancé, Idrissa Kaboré, Adama Ouéda
Int. J. Biosci.24( 1), 113-124, January 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The ongoing human pressures from activities, linked to high population growth and the effects of climate change are the main threats to the world’s aquatic ecosystems, particularly those of tropical freshwater. For instance, there is an urgent need of holistic approaches for suitable management of these vulnerable ecosystems for preserving aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems services. For that, the good knowledge of aquatic ecosystems functioning is required. As, macroinvertebrates are main organisms playing key role in aquatic ecosystems functioning, we have investigated on macroinvertebrates niche selection in reservoirs in Burkina Faso. To do so, macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly with a hand net following a multi-habitat sampling approach from June to December 2016, and Key physico-chemical variables were recorded. The preference range for physico-chemical variables was established at family level. A total of 30 families of macroinvertebrates were recorded revealing that the reservoir bears high taxa richness. Also, the results highlighted the change of macroinvertebrates community structure between months, and within the range of the physico-chemical factors. This shift of macroinvertebrates taxa due to the influences of physical and chemical factors heterogeneity is caused mainly by human disturbances that lowering water quality. Thus, the sensitive taxa, such as Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera decreased with decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration. For a better conservation of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity, it is necessary to avoid or mitigate human pressures on lakes ecosystems in Sahelian area.

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