Bio-ecological parameters to understand biodiversity of crabs in the protected area of the Ehotile Island National Park (Cote d’Ivoire) and its adjacent unprotected fishing areas

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Bio-ecological parameters to understand biodiversity of crabs in the protected area of the Ehotile Island National Park (Cote d’Ivoire) and its adjacent unprotected fishing areas

Coulibaly Lefoungognon, Bamba Mamadou, Nzi Konan Gervais, Goore Bi Gouli
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 3), 80-92, March 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to study the diversity of crabs and to identify the environmental parameters responsible for their spatial distribution in the Ehotile Island National Park and its adjacent areas. Crabs sampling was conducted monthly from January 2018 to March 2019. The fishing gears and technics used to catch crabs were balance crab fishing, traditional crab traps, fixednet, lobster pots, traps for water crabs and manual catch for land crabs. A total of 25 species of crabs belonging into 14 genuses and 7 families were identified. In the Ehotile National Park, 18 species belong to 5 families and 9 genuses were recorded. The most diversified family is Sesarmidae (39%) with seven species. Djakou and Thanon classification revealed that C. armatum, S. huzardi, S. elegans, P. gracilis, G. pelii, H. africanus and P. africanus are very frequent. In unprotected area, 3 families, 5 genuses and 7 species were noted. The most diversified family was Ocypodidae (57%) and the most abundant species was Uca tangeri (29.54%). Spearman correlation coupled to Canonical analysis showed that pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, water temperature, transparency, salinity, redox potential, depth, sand-gravel, sand-clay, sand-mud, leaf-deadwood and sand influence strongly abundance of crab species.


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