Bio-physical and chemical assessment of Mangrove waters in Gonzaga, Cagayan

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Research Paper 01/06/2020
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Bio-physical and chemical assessment of Mangrove waters in Gonzaga, Cagayan

Froilan A. Pacris Jr, Gerlie U. Bayani, Marvin V. Baloloy
Int. J. Biosci.16( 6), 241-248, June 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was carried out to determine the seasonal variations on the biological, physical and chemical characteristics of mangrove waters in Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines specifically in Barangays Caroan, San Jose and Tapel based on six water quality parameters such as pH, alkalinity, nitrite, ammonia, salinity and temperature. Five sampling stations were monitored along the mangrove ecosystems once a month for twelve months from June 2018 to May 2019. Results showed that mean values of different water quality parameters were as follows: pH (7.65 to 7.79), alkalinity (92mg/L to 118mg/L), nitrite (0.04 to 0.05mg/L), ammonia (0.04-0.18mg/L), salinity (31 ppt to 34 ppt) and water temperature (28°C-29°C). Significant seasonal variations (P<0.05) were observed in nitrite and temperature values. while no seasonal variations (P>0.05) were observed in pH, alkalinity, ammonia and salinity values. Meanwhile, the recorded values of water parameters are within the ideal range appropriate for marine environment specifically mangrove species which are presence in the sampling stations. Based on the data gathered, there were significant seasonal variations in biological, physical and chemical characteristics specifically on nitrite level and temperature of mangrove waters in all five sampling stations. All parameters obtained low values during wet season, while high values during dry season in all stations. Therefore, the present study revealed that season (wet and dry season) is the main factor in the variations of biological, physical and chemical characteristics of mangrove waters in Barangays Caroan, San Jose and Tapel of Gonzaga, Cagayan. Implications of the study will serve reference for the conservation, management and sustainable development of the mangrove ecosystem, it is necessary to perform annual monitoring of biological, physical and chemical characteristics of mangrove waters should be done.

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