Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in selected tissues of the major carpCatlacatla (Hamilton) in the Nelatur lake “adjacent to Sri DamodaramSanjeevaiah (SDS-APGENCO) thermal power plant” of SPSR Nellore District, AP, India

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in selected tissues of the major carpCatlacatla (Hamilton) in the Nelatur lake “adjacent to Sri DamodaramSanjeevaiah (SDS-APGENCO) thermal power plant” of SPSR Nellore District, AP, India

G. Venkata Ramaiah, T. Narayana, Y. Dayakar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 6), 16-22, December 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The flyash released from the TPP’s contain heavy metals and pollute the surface and ground water sources and effect the food chain of the ecosystem. These heavy metals are the most hazardous pollutants due to speed of their dissemination in biosphere and their accumulative concentration (Pandey et al., (2010). The increasing amounts of heavy metals enter in aquatic environment can result in high accumulation levels of these contaminants in fish and their consumers, which pose a serious risk to ecosystem and human health (Lapido et al., 2012). The bioaccumulation of four heavy metals (As, Hg, Pb & Mn) were evaluated in the selected tissues of the major edible carp Catlacatla from the Nelatur lake adjacent to the SDS-TPP. The results vividly indicate that the bioaccumulation of the Arsenic level is high followed by Mercury, Lead and Manganese (As>Hg>Pb>Mn). Among the tissues the Liver recorded higher levels followed by Gill, Muscle and Small intestine (Liver > Gills> Muscle> Small intestine). The present findings are useful as early warning for environmental monitoring strategies and constant raise of these heavy metals in the future will have adverse effects on consumers.


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