Open Access Research Paper Views (370) Download (25) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in selected tissues of the major carpCatlacatla (Hamilton) in the Nelatur lake “adjacent to Sri DamodaramSanjeevaiah (SDS-APGENCO) thermal power plant” of SPSR Nellore District, AP, India G. Venkata Ramaiah, T. Narayana, Y. Dayakar J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 6), 16-22, December 2019. Key: Bio accumulationCatla catlaContaminationheavy metals Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (458) Download (15) Concentration of heavy metals in the water and fish tissues of the river ravi, Pakistan Abdul Rauf, Muhammad Javed, Ghazala Jabeen, Arshad Javid, Syed Makhdoom Hussain J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 141-147, February 2015. Key: Bio accumulationCatla catlaheavy metalsRiver Ravi Details