Bioaccumulation of Lead (Pb) content in three species bivalves in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

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Research Paper 11/02/2023
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Bioaccumulation of Lead (Pb) content in three species bivalves in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

Maman Rumanta
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 2), 51-57, February 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental pollution by heavy metals has become a serious problem in Jakarta Bay. Mobilization of heavy metals as a result of anthropogenic activities has caused the release of heavy metals into the environment, one of which is Pb. Several methods already used to clean up the environment from these kinds of contaminants, but most of them are costly and difficult to get optimum results. In addition heavy metal pollutans in the waters are very stable and tend to be persistent. Recently, bioaccumators is an effective and affordable technological solution used to extract or remove inactive metals and metal pollutants from contaminated soil and water. This technology is environmental friendly and potentially cost effective using bivalves. These study objectives to analyzed the Pb content of three species of Jakarta Bay bivalves. The results showed that Pb content in the Eastern and Western Season bivalve tissue was significantly lowest in P. viridis (0,166 ± 0,016μg/g dan 0,161 ± 0,155μg/g) compared the Pb concentration in A. antiquata (0,264 ± 0,015μg/g dan 0,247±0,044μg/g), and M. meretrix (0,270 ± 0,016μg/g dan 0,240 ± 0,053μg/g). In this study also showed that the concentration of heavy metal Pb in the bivalve shell of P. viridis was significantly lower than that of two species (A. antiquata and M. meretrix). Pb content in the Eastern Season bivalves did not significantly different from that in the Westerrn Season. This is caused by a weather anomaly where the rainy season occurs almos throughout year of 2020. The Pb content in the bivalves shell was significantly higher than in the body tissues. It is because Pb can replace calcium ions in the formation of animal bones or bivalve shells.

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