Biochar consequences on cations and anions of sandy soil

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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Biochar consequences on cations and anions of sandy soil

Subhan Danish, Uzma Younis, Saira Nasreen, Noureen Akhtar, Muhammad Ehsanullah, Muhammad Tasaddaq Iqbal
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 121-131, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Natural and anthropogenic imbalance of cations and anions cause soil degradation. This is major concern of soil well being for cultivation. The imbalance of these ions adversely affects the nutrients bioavailability which leads towards less productivity. To evaluate ionic imbalance an incubation experiment was conducted using 3 levels of biochar (BC0, BC5 and BC15) under tap water (TW) and sewage water (SW) irrigations in the NFC-IET University, Multan. Results indicated that BC significantly enhanced the concentration of ions in the sandy soil when incubated at 65% field capacity moisture under 35 0C for 40 days. Application of BC15 + SW significantly enhanced pH (4.2%) and TSS (5.1 folds) of sandy soil as compared to control biochar. In the same way BC15 addition also amplified the Ca+2+ Mg+2 (4.2 folds) and Na+1 (5.4 folds) ions as well as HCO3-1 (3.6 folds) and Cl-1 (33 folds) concentrations in soil. These HCO3-1 ions might play a dynamic role in the extraction of exchangeable phosphorus. Higher Cl-1 ions may induced toxicity in the plants and restrict microbial activities as well in soil. SW irrigated biochar amended soil retained more water soluble ions as compared to the TW. Thus it is concluded that BC15 significantly increased SAR (2.6 folds) and RSC (1.84 folds) of sandy soil as compared to control biochar. That’s why a BC having high Na+1 should be discouraged as reclaiming agent in saline and sodic soils.


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