Biochemical characterization of Drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.) germplasm

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Biochemical characterization of Drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.) germplasm

Moatasim Billah, Mahbub Robbani, Mohammad Ali, Habiba Zannat Meem, Sushmita Baral
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 2), 24-29, February 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.) also known as miracle tree is one of the most nutritious vegetables all over the world. This multi-function plant cultivated in tropics for high protein, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrate content. This experiment was conducted by following a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 15 germplasms of Moringa oleifera (Mo-1 to Mo-15). The maximum TSS in leaf (2.43%) & in pod (8.86%) were found in germplasm Mo-2 & Mo-15 respectively. The highest TA content in leaf (14.44%) & in pod (5.53%) were recorded in Mo-2 & Mo-15. The highest vitamin C content of leaf (58.76mg/100g) & in pod (86.19mg/100 g) were recorded in Mo-14 & Mo-2 respectively. The maximum chlorophyll-a content of leaf was observed in germplasm Mo-9 (504.5µg/g) and minimum was in Mo-11 (356.6µg/g). The highest chlorophyll-b content of leaf was found in germplasm Mo-12 (454.5µg/g) while the lowest was found in Mo-11(297.5µg/g). The highest carotenoid content in leaf was noticed in germplasm Mo-12 (457.5µg/g) and the lowest was in Mo-1 (316.1µg/g). The maximum pH of leaf (6.31) & in pod (6.43) both were recorded in Mo-3. From the research it was concluded that Mo-2, 14 and 15 were the superior germplasm in respect of TSS, TA and Vit-C.

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