Biodegradation of tannery effluent dyes by using Aspergillus niger isolated from the tannery effluent and reuse of biotreated water in agricultural field

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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Biodegradation of tannery effluent dyes by using Aspergillus niger isolated from the tannery effluent and reuse of biotreated water in agricultural field

Eg. B Ashley Ben, E Pushpalaksmi, J Jenson Samraj, G Annadurai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 1), 74-80, January 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Tannery industrial wastewater is a serious consequence of the pollution point of view for streams, freshwater and land used for agriculture. The present research work has been carried out to isolate and screen the fungi from tannery effluent, evaluation of their ability to decolourize the dyes and reuse of biotreated water in agricultural purposes. The optimal dosage of coagulant used for treating tannery effluent was found to be 8%. Four fungal species were isolated and identified by LPCB staining namely Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium citrinum and Curvularia lunata. Among these Aspergillus Niger was found to be more effective in decolourization of dyes present in tannery effluent. Finally, the bio-treated tannery effluent was reused for agricultural purposes i.e., for the growth of vegetable plant Cyamopsis tetragonoloba and various growth parameters were studied.


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