Biodiversity and biogeography of praying mantid (Dictyoptera: Mantodea) in Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Biodiversity and biogeography of praying mantid (Dictyoptera: Mantodea) in Punjab, Pakistan

Tahira J. Ursani, Jawaid A. Khokhar, Khalid H. Dhiloo, Samina Malik, Muhammad Yaseen, Javed Iqbal Chandio, Asif R. Soomro, Waqar Ali Chandio
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 251-257, November 2017.
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Biodiversity means life variety of a particular place, habitation and when joint with biogeography becomes the study of biological diversity of environment isolated by barriers and both pronounce how and why distribution of plants and animals occurs. In support of this, biodiversity of praying mantids undertaken to identify and evaluate the species richness and evenness was measured through Shannan Index and three Simpson’s Indexes. The mantids were collected from cultivated and non-cultivated fields and organize an inclusive and updated record of biodiversity of mantodea occurring in 13 districts of Punjab Province of Pakistan. Throughout survey 296 mantids were collected and arranged into 13 species. Pictures were captured by digital camera.


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