Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of filamentous fungi isolated from Tunisian olive mill biotope

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of filamentous fungi isolated from Tunisian olive mill biotope

Zaier Hanen, Roussos Sevastianos, Ait Hamza Mohamed, Rhouma Ali
Int. J. Biosci.14( 5), 1-15, May 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The increase in olive production and olive oil will generate much larger quantities of by-product that threaten the environment. Current trends should focus on the integration of various technologies to treat and valorize these effluents, but at a low cost. Therefore, it would be interesting to study the biodiversity of the filamentous fungi of olive by-products as well as their physiological and biochemical mechanisms. In this context, the aim of this work is to study biodiversity of filamentous fungi isolated from olive mill waste water and olive cake from different mills of Tunisia. The study of biodiversity of filamentous fungi was investigated through the isolation, purification and identification of new strains; and the study of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of the selected strains by describing the nutritional needs and the metabolic potentialities of these microorganisms with a view to selecting strains capable of producing enzymes. A total of 47 strains of filamentous fungi were isolated and purified from samples obtained from the OMW and olive cake of different mills of Tunisia. The results obtained show that our fungi collection shows an important biotechnological potential, thereby the isolated strains can produce several extracellular enzymes of great interest for biotechnology and industry such as tannic acid, phytic acid, cellulase, amylase which represent high added value products. This study opens new uses of filamentous fungi present in olive mill waste water and olive cake to produce fungal enzymes, exploitable for the valorization of agricultural by-products.

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