Biodiversity associated with mussel fishery at Vizhinjam-Arabian sea, South Kerala

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Biodiversity associated with mussel fishery at Vizhinjam-Arabian sea, South Kerala

PT Baiju, FG Benno Pereira, V Jayaprakas, MP Prabhakaran
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 3), 73-89, September 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The manuscript implies the assessment of species diversity associated with the mussel fishery at Vizhinjam. The objective of the present study is to formulate a data regarding with mussel fishery associated diversity which is usually considered as by catch discard after sorting out the commercially important species like Brown mussel (Perna perna) and Green mussel (Perna viridis). It can be used for the assessment of diversity loss in relation with the fishery and also helpful to the prediction the impact of the fishery activity in the area. The study was carried out in Vizhinjam, during form 2011 June to 2012 May. Our result includes the total species diversity of mussel fishery discards for a period of one year. The correlation analysis reveals the inter relationships between the plants and animals of the mussel bed and the time series analysis can give a view on species diversity variations in each month. The space between the mussels in the natural mussel bed offers refuges for wide varieties biotic communities, including marine plants, small shore crabs and anemones. Mussel bed ecosystems in Vizhinjam support a variety of marine plants, invertebrates and fishes. Precautions must be taken for reducing the unwanted lose of species diversity while harvesting.


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