Biodiversity of fish utilizing intertidal estuary of poigar river during high-tide (North Coast of North Celebes, Indonesia)

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Biodiversity of fish utilizing intertidal estuary of poigar river during high-tide (North Coast of North Celebes, Indonesia)

Nego Elvis Bataragoa, Daduk Setyohadi, Aida Sartimbul, Diana Arfiati
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 370-378, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out to describe periodic change in fish occurrence in the estuary of Poigar River, particularly those entering the estuary at high tide in new moon and full moon phases. Sampling areas at both moon phases were the freshwater area at low tide and the water depth of 1.5-2.5 M at high tide when the salinity ranged between 1.7 – 27.3 ppm. Sampling was done twice a month at the new moon and the full moon for 6 months from September 2012 to February 2013. A total of 4,596 individuals of 52 species of 28 families with 32,754.18 g body weight was caught with a beach seine. The best representive families by number of species were Leiognathidae (3 genera and 7 species), Carangidae (4 genera and 5 species), and Tetraodontidae (2 genera and 4 species), respectively. In dry season and wet season, 41 species of 23 families and 40 species of 22 families, respectively, were recorded, and there was no significant difference between both seasons in number of species, number of individuals and body weight. There were 22 species in the upper estuary and 41 species in the lower estuary. There was significant difference between the upper and the lower estuary in number of species, number of individuals and body weight. Based upon the Importance Value Index (IVI), the most dominant species was Ambassis interrupta (31.42%) in dry season, Ambassis urotaenia (IVI=16.91%) in wet season and Gazza achlamays (16.97%) in the upper estuary, while as a whole they were dominated by Ambassis interrupta (IVI= 22.32%).


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