Bioelectronic systems in controlled drug delivery systems- A novel dosage form

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Bioelectronic systems in controlled drug delivery systems- A novel dosage form

V. T. Iswariya, Sitawar Anusha, Varada Bala Gnana Laxmi, Akshay, T. Ramarao
Int. J. Biosci.24( 4), 149-159, April 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Electronic drug delivery systems (EDDS) are an interesting advancement in drug delivery technology. They are portable, interactive, wirelessly networked, and enable patient-administered medication, which lowers overall healthcare costs. Controlled DDS maintains drug plasma levels constantly by releasing the definite dose of the drug at each time point for a predetermined duration. This helps in reducing the dose and dosing frequency and improves patient compliance. Lesser drug exposure to the biological environment reduces drug toxicity and adverse effects. Among controlled release. Transdermal delivery mode (referred to as patches) is more preferably used among them because of great patient compliance. Bioelectronic systems play a crucial role in electronically controlled drug delivery systems by integrating electronic components with biological systems to deliver drugs with precision and efficiency. Their efficiency is further increased when integrated into remotely operated systems. One of the main motivations for developing EDDS was to increase patient adherence to recommended drug regimens. Moreover, EDDS have demonstrated the ability to administer drugs to specific body locations on demand. This review concentrates on electronic medication delivery systems, despite the fact that there are many different types of drug delivery devices on the market. Along with their mechanism of actions are also discussed.

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