Biological effects of two antiretroviral tritherapy (stavudine-lamivudine-nevirapine and emitricitabine-tenofovir-efavirenz) in patients HIV positive in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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Biological effects of two antiretroviral tritherapy (stavudine-lamivudine-nevirapine and emitricitabine-tenofovir-efavirenz) in patients HIV positive in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

Tovi Wahon Marie Odile, Kouakou Koffi, Ouattara Fatou Shchérazade Epouse Soro, Abo Yao, Minga Albert
Int. J. Biosci.7( 5), 171-183, November 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


To better understand the effects of antiretroviral tritherapy on local population in Abidjan, a descriptive study was conducted on two therapeutic combinations (Stavudine-Lamivudine-Nevirapine and Emitricitabine-Tenofovir-Efavirenz). The patients studied were selected from people infected with HIV, who started treatment at National Center of Blood Donors in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. These patients received regular treatment for 36 months, blood samples were taken every 6 months, clinical and laboratory assessments were performed. All patients were infected with HIV-1 type. Biological parameters analyzed showed positive impact of the treatment characterized by the increase of the number and the percentage of CD4+. The value of the number and the percentage of CD4 at the end of the treatment were around 400cells/mm3 and 35% respectively. The treatment did not show toxic effect on the liver and the kidney measured through the rate of creatinine, transaminases (TGO, TGP). The glycemy of the patients was normal without any significant modification. The clinical parameters confirm the positive impact of the treatment. Indeed, the Body Mass Index (BMI), the Brachial Perimeter (BP) and the Karnofsky Index (KI) were in the normal ranges. There is no significant difference between the two therapeutic combinations (Stavudine-Lamivudine-Nevirapine and Emtracitabine-Tenofovir-Efavirenz). These positive effects could explain the use of these therapeutic combinations in the first line treatment of HIV positive patients in the National centre of blood donors in Abidjan.

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